• Complete Periodontal Care with a Gentle Touch

  • Complete Periodontal Care with a Gentle Touch

  • Complete Periodontal Care with a Gentle Touch

  • Complete Periodontal Care with a Gentle Touch

New Patients

Call our office in your area to set up your first visit. We look forward to meeting and serving you and your family.


(860) 646-1429

(860) 659-0307

Transform Your Smile with Periodontal Aesthetic Procedures

Custom Gum Reshaping Procedures for a Beautiful Smile


If you have experienced some degree of gum recession after periodontal disease or are self-conscious about having a “gummy smile,” talk to us about periodontal aesthetic procedures. We have helped countless patients feel more confident about their smile by reshaping the gum line. We use specialized techniques to give you that perfect smile you have always wanted!

Gum Grafting for Patients with Gum Recession


If you have receding gums around a single tooth or multiple teeth, you may need to undergo a gum graft to replace missing tissue. Gum recession can cause a host of problems such as tooth sensitivity, gum disease, cavities, and even tooth loss.

Types of Gum Graft Procedures


There are three main types of gum graft surgery, and the technique we use will depend on your situation and the degree of gum recession you have. The three main types of gum grafts include:

  • Connective tissue grafts – utilize a tissue sample from the patient’s own mouth, typically from beneath a flap created on the roof of the mouth, or in some case we can utilize artificial tissue to avoid the roof of the mouth altogether.

  • Free gingival grafts – involve sourcing tissue directly from the roof of the mouth and attaching it to the treatment area.

  • Pedicle grafts – allow for a gum graft by using the tissue around the affected tooth and stretching it over the exposed root.

Learn about Connecticut Periodontal Specialists advanced treatment procedures by scheduling your appointment with Drs. LaPorta and Thacker today.